
The technical home page of Ian Till




Reference Information

Having spent the last decade or so surfing the internet to solve my own problems, and generally learn more about cars, I have collected quite a bit of material that might go missing for a variety of reasons.  I should know - I lost some of my own content when some kind soul exploited my simple hosting password... Lesson learned.

In a relatively unsorted format, here's a basic repository of the information I've collected, feel free to browse and do what you want with it - I can't credit the originators of it simply because I don't know who they are. (sorry!).  If anyone owns the rights to any of this content, I'll happily either credit them (create a hosting page and credit the author of the original content), delete it, or add a link to another website where the information can still be found.  Just get in touch.

So, with that said, click here to be taken to the file store.





This site is maintained in (very limited) spare time, the last update was on Sunday May 30, 2010.

[broken] visitors since July 2001