
The technical home page of Ian Till




Project Cars


Old Project - Dead Cavalier GSi

On 10th July 2003 I became the owner of a Mistral Grey Cavalier GSi.  Previously someone's much loved car, this one cost me £200 and was in need of mechanical attention in the engine department.

Why bother?  Well, it doesn't make sense financially, that's for sure!  Everyone my age that was interested in pulling an engine to bits and rebuilding it themselves has already done so by now, so I'm just catching up.  This is the first time I had an engine to bits.

It's repaired and sold now, After all the work I did on it, I hoped it would be going fine for quite a while, but sadly I sold it with 12 months MOT and the first thing that happened was the engine was taken out and fitted to a kit car, the rest scrapped.  Shame really, as it drove well and would have been worthy of a place in my 'dream barn'.





This site is maintained in (very limited) spare time, the last update was on Sunday May 30, 2010.

[broken] visitors since July 2001