


Old Project - Vectra CDX V6 - Now sold to Marc Cox

Back in August 2003 Mark Townshend and I went halves on another head case.  This one had timing belt tensioner bearing failure as well and we rebuilt it using spare heads, new valve stem seals and valves.  If you're in any doubt as to the amount of damage a faulty cam belt or tensioner bearing can cause, take a look back here later and I'll upload some pictures.  This car was not economically viable for repair by the motor trade, but as our hours are largely free then it's just the cost of parts for us (oh, and more tools!).

Needless to say the damage was solved by replacing the heads with good ones from another engine.  While we were there, the new heads were stripped bare, the whole thing thoroughly cleaned out and all of the valves were re-ground in with very fine polishing paste to ensure a good seat.  Finally the valve stem seals were replaced and the engine reassembled.  Even the tappets were overhauled, making this the quietest V6 I've ever heard.

Mark has a fair bit more information on his site at www.tssd.co.uk



And the [ science] bit...

Last review was Monday, 31 May 2010

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