Sunroof Replacement - Day 1  (May 2005)



More like an hour and a half really.  Somehow the original sunroof mechanism went doolally and so I decided to replace it rather than try to repair it.  Paul (aka Dan Gliballs) from CavWeb brought along a replacement sunroof mechanism complete and so it was a simple job of removing all the plastic from the drivers side of the shell, all the fittings inside that go through the headlining, and then dropping the headlining down and out of the car.  The sunroof mechanism is a big tray that is bolted up to the roof all the way around, with four drains, one at each corner.

The front sunroof drains run down the A-pillars and simply drip into the sill area, causing as much rust as possible.  The rears run down inside the back quarters, and come out behind the plastic quarter trims, so they don't leak into the sills.  A useful mod would be to divert the fronts out somewhere else, like through the front of the A-pillar or something, to keep the sills dry inside.

Here are the pictures: