OSR Arch Replacement - Day 9 (10th July 2005)
After deciding to re-paint the rear quarter the next step was to put some primer on over the top of the paint I'd already applied. I used the normal Halfords spray cans this time, as I didn't want to build the panel up with loads of paint. Two fairly heavy coats were left to dry overnight and I went back today to sand them back a bit ready for painting.
The next pics show the panel sanded back, but not cleaned, obviously the next step was to thoroughly clean the panels with damp paper towel before drying and finishing off with a tack cloth. At the angle the photos were taken the surface looks very shiny, I hope the paint looks like that someday...
Next it was time for two coats of the colour, which was left to flash off for about 10 minutes before a first coat of lacquer...
That first coat was pretty thin, and within a couple of minutes another thin coat went on top of that, leaving it pretty matt, but hopefully secure. Then it was left for 10 minutes more before the final coat of lacquer went on. It was pretty hot today and about 28 degrees when I started painting, still over 24 when I finished, so all in all, pretty perfect.
Needless to say the paint skinned over and hardened off pretty quickly so I didn't waste much time in removing the masking and getting it outside to see what it looked like in daylight. Not too bad really.
Only now can I see some bits I could have spent more time on, but it's not a terrible job. Mental note to self: Replace the whole quarter next time, it can't be as scary as what I've just done! This paint will now be left to fully harden off and then cut back to hopefully get a decent shine. Time will tell.